Congratulations to our students for having won the Certificate of Distinction / Highly Commended Awards in the 26th UOB Painting Of The Year Competition 2007

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Certificate of Distinction
Kiefer Tay Si Yi (9 years old)

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Alexis Gan Wei Qi (7 years old)

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Benedict Chin (10 years old)

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Brayden Tang (7 years old)

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Keane Chua Wei Yi (9 years old)

About UOB Painting Of The Year

Since 1973, the UOB (United Overseas Bank) Group has amassed over 1,500 pieces of art works by local artists through a purchase-support programme. These art works are displayed in the Group’s Head Office and over 380 offices worldwide. The UOB Painting Of The Year Competition is an extension of the Group’s support for local artists, with the objective to encourage persistence in creative endeavours and provide recognition for the best creative works.

For more information, please visit official UOB Painting Of The Year at